复习了一下哈4的电影,这俩人太… 罗琳未免太翻云覆雨了,6里搞出完美型的Ginny… 随便引几段手头有的原文,绝对是断章取义(以下he全部指代Harry, she指代Hermione)~
"bye, Harry!" said Hermione,and she did something she had never done before, and kissed him on the cheek. -the Goblet of Fire
Hermione had taken his hand again and was gripping it tightly. He could not look at her, but returned the pressure, … He put his arm around Hermione’s shoulders, and she put hers around his waist, and they turned in silence and walked away through the snow… – the Deathly Hallows
She picked up the book and then walked back past him into the tent, but as she did so, she brushed the top of his head lightly with her hand. He closed his eyes at her touch… – the Deathly Hallows
"She's like my sister," he went on. "I love her like a sister and I reckon that she feels the same way about me. …" – the Deathly Hallows